Sunday, December 27, 2009

I feel like I'm getting...>>> cough cough. sniff sniff.

Ti's the season! Now that winter has officially begun and weather is changing, COLD/FLU season is among us!!! Not to worry, I have some tips and tricks up my sleeve that will help against the cold and if you already have, make it a shorter one.

First and foremost, lets have a simple vitamin lesson. What is the most influential vitamin during cold/fly season? That's right, the one and only VITAMIN C. This vitamin has been labeled as "one of the most important" of all vitamins. As an antioxidant, It plays an integral role to protect our tissues from oxidation. Also, it protects against free- radicals(the things that DAMAGE our cells, and can inextricably cause cardiovascular disease and cancer.) You might be wondering, How can one attain such a beneficial nutrient? Interestingly enough its not only from oranges. You can get Vitamin C from an array of fresh fruits and vegetables, some of which include: Kiwi Strawberry, Blackberries, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Tomatoes, Lime, Peach, Bananas, Apples, Lemon, Grapes, Artichoke, Asparagus, Avocado, Broccoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Corn, Cucumber, Any color Peppers( has 4x vitamin C compared to oranges), Kale, Lima Beans, Mushrooms, Onions, Peas, Potatoes, Spinach, Squash, Sweet potato.

Delish! Imagine the infinite possibles... Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Fill up on these nutritious foods and I am sure that you will be feeling better all the while making your nervous system strong! Keep in mind that during this period of weakness Vitamin C is not the only Vitamin you should be having. Think about all the different foods that are in the food pyramid, and you will be ready to fight the notsowelcome bacterium.
Vitamins are not the only precausions to take to prevent the flu. Do not forget about the basic principals to prevent sickness from occurring.... Wash your hands, keeping away from the sick, and most importantly keeping your body as health as can be.

Here are some helpful tips I found on a website>
Just get over the flu? You’re contagious up to seven days after symptoms first appear. Protect family and coworkers by keeping a safe distance.

All those surgical facemasks on TV would have you believe that influenza is an airborne virus. Not so! You can sit in the same room as someone who is sick without catching the flu. Just don’t get up close and personal; the virus gets passed on through respiratory droplets. A single sneeze or cough contains millions of flu viruses that travel up to three feet. People with the flu remain contagious for up to seven days after their first symptoms.

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor, these are just some pointers to help prevent and make you feel better. Please contact your physician if you feel very very ill.

Eating Healthy Will Make You Think Healthy,


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Junk Food is not JUNK

As I arrived to my Public Health class this morning, I found myself in a pretty interesting lecture. Professor Virginia Li, a cute petite Chinese women in her 60s came to talk about tobacco and all of the disparities attached to smoking habits. We all know smoking is bad, it is the single most preventable agent of disease in the world. Instead we see that smoking is now prevalent more than ever! Although Henry Waxman and President Obama passed a bill on different policy changes on smoking, we are still exporting tobacco to other countries. If you really think about it we are in charge of several different harmful factors which include: disease, global warming,.. etc. Nevertheless, it is clear that smoking is BAD! Not only for an individual but for the whole world. If we do not control this problem now, we are destined to a horrible outcome for our future generations to come.
So you are probably wondering, how is this related to JUNK FOOD?

Well, as everyone was fidgeting their notebooks into their book-bags to run off, Professor Li with her Chinese accent stopped everyone to make one last important point. "Junk food is not JUNK!" she exclaimed. Most students were astounded and sat to listen what she had to say. Her main argument was that as Americans we are always producing and consuming everything in excess. We don't sit back to realize that what we have in the United States is often taken for granted. "Half of the world is hungry" avidly shouted Professor Li.
I was really impressed by this point, I wanted to get up and just yell AMEN! All of the foods that we eat are all inextricably bound to help produce a healthy body function. When we take advantage of food and let our ego's get in the way, we just add to one of the most problematic epidemics in this day and age.
By and large, from smoking to eating habits our everyday choices influence the ways in which we take charge on how we want to live our lives. If we choose to take the healthy approach we can not only be in charge of our health but the health of greater populations, and even the world.
Here are some interesting quotes by our corrupt tobacco industries
"Within the total market, there are areas of strong growth, particularly in Asia and Africa.…It is an exciting prospect."-- British American Tobacco Internal Document (1990)
"While sports is by far the best avenue to attract, sample, and influence our core target smokers, it is not the only way. International movies and videos also have tremendous appeal to our young adult consumers in Asia." --Philip Morris Internal Document (1990)
"Today’s teenager is tomorrow’s potential regular consumer, and the overwhelming majority of smokers first begin to smoke while still in their teens." --Philip Morris Internal Document (1981)

Take a step back, critically analyze what you do and WHY you do it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Brain Food

It is vital to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to think better and support brain function. These vitamins and minerals can potentially help your I.Q. and stimulate your brain. It is important to make sure that you consume foods that are high in antioxidants, which cleans your brain from free radicals, which can inhibit brain cells. Some of the foods include: berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries…), apples, raisins, grapes, cherries, prunes, and spinach.

Another group of food to consider is foods that contain Omega 3- fatty acids, which includes: salmon, mackerel, sardines, flax oil, and walnuts. These foods can facilitate in providing a healthy brain function as well as restoring memory. I recommend eating cereals that contain flax for those who are vegan. A cool fact: Walnuts are shaped like our brains, which inevitably is a wonderful source of nutrients for your brain.

Although it is recommended to receive your daily vitamins through whole food, some may not have the time and/or resources to have these foods on a daily basis. For those I suggest to take supplements such as: multivitamins, antioxidant supplements, Omega- 3, selenium, Vitamin E, Folic Acid and Ginkgo Biloba.

Essentially it is important to drink a lot of water. It is recommended to drink 8 cups a day to keep the brain functioning properly. Another influential drink is tea, specifically matcha tea, which comes from a green tea plant. Several studies have come out with the many benefits it contains. It is said that matcha green tea has up to 10 TIMES more benefits than regular green teas.

Stay Healthy and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle,

Farah Shamolian

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